Pricing - Setup simple pricing


This page takes you through the simple pricing setup flow.

1. Basic information

Give this price setting a name and adjust the line that customers see on the booking form (optional). You can also add variables using the "+" button. Choose whether VAT should be charged and the amount.

2. Enter pricing

Enter prices based on the length of the trip. If your schedule allows for booking 3.5 hours, it will charge the next known price (e.g. €140 in the example). 

You can also base the price on the number of passengers. For example, if you want to charge a different price for a group of up to 5 people than for a group of 6 to 10 people, you can enter it this way:

3. Additional charges (optional)

Use this option to calculate costs on top of the standard price. For example, a €20 cleaning fee. 

You can also add conditions (e.g. only pay cleaning costs if sailing for more than 2 hours). You can add multiple conditions. If the calculation is even more complex, you can also add more pricing elements.

4. Deposits (optional)

Add a deposit that can be refunded later. In this example, a deposit of €150:

5. Save

Save your pricing setup and apply it to the rental setup

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