Pricing - Setup flexible pricing


This pages takes you through the flexible pricing setup flow.

1. Basic information

2. Enter pricing

There are three options in flexible pricing: Formula, Fixed amount, and Table. 

  • Formula There are 7 options to choose from. These include: duration in hours, duration in days, number of passengers in booking, number of passengers in boat, hours booked in advance and days booked in advance. These options provide several ways to set up your flexible pricing. In this example, the price of renting a boat is €60 per hour:

    Do you want to add something on top of the standard prices? Then choose 'add pricing element''.In this example customers will pay €5 extra for every passenger:

  • Fixed amount If you use one price for your rental, you can choose the fixed amount option. This option comes with the possibility to add conditions to your pricing (see below).
  • Table Table pricing is similar to simple pricing, but table pricing offers the opportunity to add conditions:

3. Conditions

When you want to use a more complicated pricing structure, you can add conditions to your pricing. This is useful when for example you use different rates for specific hours, months, or want to include discounts. The following options can be chosen:

  • Trip duration - calculate a discount or an extra charge based on the length of the trip, relative to a certain number of hours.
  • Number of boats - calculate a discount or an extra charge based on the number of boats booked, relative to a certain number of boats.
  • Number of passengers - calculate a discount or an extra charge based on the number of passengers, relative to a certain number of passengers.
  • Customer type - different rates can be applied for e.g. members compared to guests.
  • Days of the week - different rates can be applied to different days of the week.
  • Time period - between certain times (e.g. between 10 AM and 1 PM), different rates apply.
  • Booked in advance - different prices for e.g. last-minute bookings
  • Every nth boat - when you book multiple boats and want to apply e.g. a discount for every 2nd boat that someone is booking.
  • Nth boat - when you book multiple boats and want to apply a different rate to one of the boats (e.g. only the 3rd boat that you book comes with a discount).
  • Booked via partner - when you book via a partner website.

In the following example, the rental price is $60 per hour. However, on Mondays and Wednesdays there is a discount of $10 per hour:

In this example, the customer receives a $300 discount on a 4-hour trip, between 9 AM and 2 PM.

4. Additional charges (optional)

Additional charges can be used to calculate costs on top of the standard price (e.g. €20 cleaning fee).

You can also add conditions (e.g. only pay cleaning costs if sailing for more than 2 hours). You can add multiple conditions.If the calculation is even more complex, you can also add more pricing elements.

5. Deposits (optional)

Add a deposit that can be refunded later. This example shows a deposit of €150:

6. Save

Save your pricing setup and apply it to the rental setup

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