Embed booking form on Wordpress website

To add the booking form to your WordPress website, follow these steps:


First, download the Header, Footer plugin for WordPress.


Go to the embeds in your dashboard and copy the code shown in step 1.


Log in to your WordPress website, click on 'Plugins' in the menu, and select the subitem 'New plugin'.


Choose 'upload plugin' and select the zip file of the Header and Footer plugin you downloaded.


After installing the plugin, go to Settings > Header and Footer. In this section, you will see areas where you can enter custom code.


Paste the booking form code into the 'Head' section (so it is loaded on every page) and save.

To link the booking form from your website, use a text, button, or image and set the URL to the one provided in step 2. This will automatically open the booking form on your website when clicked.

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