Set a custom return URL

To set up a customer "thank you page" / return URL, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Settings and select General Info.
  2. Look for the 'Custom return URL' option.
  3. Enter the url where you want to send your customers after making a successful booking.

By following these instructions, you can easily configure a personalized page for your customers.


This is a list of parameters to the thank-you page. As a result, you can obtain more specific statistics. :

lbBookingReference The booking reference
lbPaymentRequestId A unique ID for the paid payment request
lbDockId The ID of the dock where the trip starts
lbDockName The name of the dock
lbBoatModelId The ID of the boat model the booking is for
lbBoatModelName The name of the boat model
lbNumberOfPassengers The number of passengers. Can be null when not asked.
lbDurationInHours The duration of the booking in hours
lbNumberOfBoats The number of boats the booking is for
lbTotalIncVatInCents The total amount paid including VAT/TAX, but excluding the deposit.
lbCurrency The currency of the paid amount
lbCouponCode The applied coupon code. Will be null when no coupon is applied.

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